ABC (Anti-bribery and Corruption)
A three-part digital learning solution drives the message home
For international companies with thousands of employees, it can be tough to stay ahead of bribery and corruption. One such company updated their anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) policy to further clarify their zero tolerance stance. A policy is all well and good, but the company needed to be sure everyone got the message so employees could have a workplace they’re proud of and customers could feel good about shopping with them.

The solution
We produced a digital learning solution with three parts. The first covered the theory and included a test to make sure the learner understood the main points. The second part put learners in common ABC scenarios where they had to make difficult choices and see the consequences. The third chapter featured interactive film scenarios to get the learning experience as close to real life as possible.
The results
The learning solution increased understanding of the policy and how to apply it in real life. Employees were very positive about having the chance to practice putting the policy to use in the fictional scenarios. It gave them a controlled environment to experiment and fail in and stimulated lots of frank discussions about the line between right and wrong.